Zen(ish) Mommy
Zen(ish) Mommy
Top 10 of Season 4! Microdosing Moms on Mushrooms with Tracey Tee
Hey mamas! During this season, we’ve talked about a number of alternative healing modalities. Today’s guest is Tracey Tee, co-founder and CEO of Band of Mothers Media and creator of Moms on Mushrooms, a micro-dosing course made exclusively for moms. With over ten years of experience in the mom sphere, Tracey has recently created an intimate, sacred space for mothers to explore the use of plant medicine. Join us to hear what she has to say about the difference between traditional healing modalities, recreational drug use, and microdosing in order to go inward and begin a healing journey. You’ll learn how Tracey navigated difficult changes in her own life with the support of psilocybin, and how plant medicine works to repattern the triggering aspects of the brain. Tracey shares advice from her own journey and research, reminding us of our skewed attitudes towards drugs based on the government’s approval, and encourages listeners to open their minds to this powerful healing modality today. Thanks for tuning in.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Today’s guest: co-founder of Band of Mothers Media and creator of Moms on Mushrooms.
- The micro-dosing course Tracey offers and why she has chosen to target moms.
- Tracey’s relationship with drugs and alcohol leading up to this point.
- The mindset shift from getting fucked up to using drugs to heal.
- Band of Mothers Media, turning 40, and the journey of spiritual growth that Tracey went on.
- How losing everything in 2020 led to an out-of-body experience.
- The support she found in microdosing that helped her to alchemize it all.
- How psychedelics bring the dark stuff to the surface, empowering you to face it.
- Growing mushrooms at home, and how they grow everywhere on earth.
- What a microdose is: a sub-perceptual dose of psilocybin with no psychotropic effects.
- How plant medicine can help the triggering aspects of your brain to repattern.
- The difference between the effect of SSRIs and psilocybin as healing modalities.
- Frequency around microdosing: five days on with two days off, or four days on with three days off.
- What the digital microdosing course consists of: a three-month course with six biweekly calls and six biweekly lessons.
- How she learned about the value of community and therapy.
- What she tells naysayers: open your mind with a reverence towards other cultures.
- Advice for mamas who want to slow down: take it slow, learn how to be vulnerable, and learn to reject the idea of being a supermom.
- Changing your life to look how you want it to, and beating skepticism to find real solutions.
- Where to find Moms on Mushrooms online.
- Her $50 discount on the microdosing course for today’s listeners.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
How to Change Your Mind on Amazon
Tracey Tee on LinkedIn
Moms on Mushrooms
Moms on Mushrooms on Instagram