Zen(ish) Mommy
Zen(ish) Mommy
Postpartum, Mental Health and Why it Matters as a Mom
Hey Mamas, thanks for tuning in to a brand new episode of the Zen(ish) Mommy Podcast! This is a space where you can show up authentically, have a laugh, educate yourself, and hear a little bit of yourself in each of the guests. Today, we have fellow podcast host and mental health advocate Christie Rocha joining us in conversation. Christie kicks off our discussion by sharing snippets of her own mental health journey, which she later realized has many parallels to the experience other women have navigating the world of motherhood and marriage. Next, you’ll hear about what she has gained through building a relationship with her therapist who provides a container for her to say things she can’t share with anyone else. We touch on taking a seasonal approach to life before Christie shares why it is so important for others to realize the power of asking for help, encouraging listeners to shed their preconceptions in order to benefit from therapy.
Key Points From This Episode:
- An introduction to today’s guest, podcast host and mental health advocate, Christie Rocha.
- Christie’s automated email response which relieves the anxiety of not being able to respond immediately.
- The mental health journey with postpartum depression that led her to start her podcast.
- How a friend sharing her experience with a therapist led Christie to seek out therapy for herself.
- The common experience women have of reaching every milestone and feeling unfulfilled.
- Why the image of motherhood and marriage is so glamorized and how that affects women.
- The origins of Christie’s belief that therapy wasn’t for people like her.
- Why she currently believes that everyone can benefit from therapy today.
- The power of saying things out loud to her therapist that she would never share with anyone else.
- How sharing information with your therapist differs from sharing it with your loved ones.
- The introspection that happens when Christie relays information to her therapist.
- What Christie’s mental health journey looks like at the moment.
- How therapy has helped her to set boundaries to no longer be available to everyone all the time.
- Approaching our lives as seasons.
- Managing her PMDD by allowing the ebb and flow of her life.
- Why she believes healing is a lifelong journey.
- The biggest thing she wants listeners to know: asking for help is okay!
- Why she recommends that you pursue therapy if you have any interest in it.
- Reframing self-care to suit your life’s circumstances.
- The power of taking the moment to notice and validate yourself.
“I believe that therapy can be for everyone. If you’re truly opposed to it, then it’s probably not going to work for you, and therefore, not an avenue you can explore. But I believe that everyone has something they can work on.” — [0:14:03]
“I think we can heal from things, but in general there will always be something going on.” — [0:32:03]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: